The Magic They bring

As an educator or parent, you carry the stigma of having all the answers and knowing what is best for those who are in your care. However, my students who are documented or not documented on the Spectrum, ADHD or ADD, have unique ways of showing that they are the ones that can teach you the most.

I marvel at my students as they navigate being in a general education classroom. With as much strength as they can muster each day, they try to follow the norm. Once they no longer desire to battle their talents manifest. They share ideas and demonstrate unique strengths and abilities even though they are distractions to the lessons are moments to take in. I have learned many things from my students. Their interruptions are now my markers that show their interest in their desire to be in charge of their learning.

When they take action to move on to something new, I know that I have lost the audience. When they resist moving on, I understand their curiosity peaked. They want to dive a little deeper to gain a better understanding..


A New Beginning